Privacy Statement

At LGT, we value the privacy of those who provide personal information to us.

When we refer to LGT, us, we or our, we mean the LGT Logistics company or companies that is responsible for any personal information collected about you. That will predominantly be the LGT Logistics company in your jurisdiction, or the the LGT Logistics company which is providing services to you or to which you are providing services.

1 - What is the purpose and scope of this privacy statement?


LGT Logistics is a global business that handles personal information relating to its customers and suppliers  all over the world. The nature of our business (and of the logistics industry as a whole) means that we won't necessarily have direct relationships with all of those individuals; for example, information about our customers may be provided to us by an agent or another third party. 

We have considered our obligations under data protection laws and have prepared this privacy statement in the interests of being transparent about our use of personal information. In this privacy statement, we describe what personal information we collect about our customers and suppliers (whether from them directly or from third party sources), how we use that information, the legal basis upon which we process it, with whom it is shared, and how it is stored.  

This privacy statement applies to our collection and use of personal information:

through the LGT Logistics websites (our Websites);

when you become a customer of ours and/or we provide services to you; and / or

if you are (or work for) one of our customers, suppliers or vendors  or provide services to us.

Not all of this privacy statement will necessarily be relevant to all of our customers and suppliers,depending (in part) on the country in which you are based.  If you have any questions or comments on this privacy statement, you can contact us by email at at any time.

Please read this privacy statement carefully to understand how we handle your personal information.


2 - Information collection


We may collect and use any of the following information about you and we refer to this as “personal information” throughout this statement:

2.1 - Personal information you give us. You may give us personal information through our Websites or by contacting us by phone, email or other means. This includes, for example, when you provide your personal information to us in order to receive our services, or to provide goods or services to us.

The personal information you give us may include:

  1. your name;
  2. your job title;
  3. company name;
  4. email address;
  5. your telephone number;
  6. account information;
  7. your and/or your company's address;
  8. other information provided when you correspond with us; and
  9. any updates to the information provided to us.

We may obtain personal information from third party sources, such as agents.

Please note that we need certain types of personal information so that we can provide our services or receive goods or services from you. If you do not provide us with such personal information, or ask us to delete it, you may no longer be able to access and use our services, or to provide goods or services to us.

2.2 - Personal information we collect about you. Each time you visit our Websites, we may automatically collect any of the following information:

  1. technical information, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet, domain name and country which requests information, the files requested, browser type and version, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform; and
  2. information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through and from our site (including date and time), time and length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), methods used to browse away from the page, traffic data, location data, weblogs and other communication data and information provided when requesting further service or downloads.

3 - Use of information


We collect, use and store the personal information listed above for the following reasons:


3.1 - Providing services (if you are a customer):

  1. to provide services to you, your company or your or your company’s customers;
  2. to verify your identity;
  3. to resolve claims, including for cargo damage;
  4. to pursue debt from our customers and/or other responsible parties;
  5. to notify you about changes to our services and to keep you informed about our fees and charges; and
  6. for business development and marketing purposes, to contact you (including by email or post) with information about our services which we feel will be of interest to you or your customers (you can opt out or let us know at any time if you would no longer like to hear from us).


3.2 - Receiving services (if you are a supplier or contractor)

  1. to enable us and/or our customers to receive goods or services from you;
  2. to verify your identity;
  3. to resolve claims, including for cargo damage;
  4. to pay debts; and
  5. for business development and marketing purposes, to contact you (including by email or post) with information about our services which we feel will be of interest to you (or your customers) (you can opt out or let us know at any time if would no longer like to hear from us).


3.3 - Visiting our Websites:

  1. to allow you to access and use our Websites;
  2. to provide technical support;
  3. to provide you with the information and services that you request from us;
  4. to ensure the security of our services and Websites;
  5. to store information about your preferences, and to allow us to customize the Websites according to your individual needs;
  6. to recognize when you return to our Websites; and
  7. to improve and maintain our Websites and prepare reports or compile statistics in order to improve our services. Such details will be anonymised as far as is reasonably possible.


3.4 - To comply with any procedures, laws and regulations which apply to us, to comply with our legal obligations or, otherwise, where it is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of others; and


3.5 - To establish, exercise or defend our legal rights where it is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of others or to comply with a legal obligation.


4 - Legal basis for use of your personal information


4.1 - Data protection and privacy laws require us to have a legal justification for collecting, using and otherwise handling your personal information.  We consider that our legal basis for using your personal information as set out in this privacy statement:


  1. is necessary to perform our obligations under any contract with you (for example, to comply with our contract to provide services to you), to provide services to you, your company and/or customers, or to receive goods or services from you or your company);
  2. is necessary to comply with our legal obligations; or
  3. where use of your personal information is not necessary for performance of a contract, to provide services, to receive goods or services or to comply with our legal obligations, use of your personal information is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of others; for example, to ensure the security of our Websites.